Top Tips on Raising a Well-Behaved Dog

Are you looking up puppies for sale in Lancashire? Bringing a new puppy into your life can be incredibly exciting, filled with joyful days and endless laughter. While those adorable eyes and wagging tails can melt even the coldest hearts, you need to raise your puppy into a well-adjusted dog to make this happen. To pull it off, you need to have a few tricks up your sleeve. Fret not if you don’t! Here, we have them listed down for you.

Prioritise Early Socialisation

While raising a fur baby, socialising them between 8-16 weeks of age is paramount. Expose them to a range of different environments, people and other animals. This creates positive associations, making your puppy more confident and adaptable. Additionally, you should adopt them from breeders who ensure early socialisation for the puppies.

Start Training Early

The sooner you start training your puppy, the easier time you’ll have doing it. Curious by nature, these adorable babies are always eager to learn and explore the world around them. Begin with basic commands like “sit”, “stay”, and “come”. Keep the sessions short, regular and fun to compensate for their small attention spans. You can make the sessions far more effective by throwing in some tasty treats, cuddles and belly rubs into the mix.

Establish A Routine

Pups, much like kids, do well when on schedule. Set specific times for meals, potty breaks, playtime and naps. This helps to housebreak efficiently, as they know what to expect. Plus, remember to establish boundaries. Decide early on what’s okay and what’s not – like whether the couch is off-limits or where they will sleep at night. Stick to them as closely as possible to avoid confusion down the road.

Ensure Their Health

Every one of us is a little grumpy when we are unwell, and the pups are no different. Therefore, before you start looking up “puppy for sale near me”, ensure that you know what it takes to keep them healthy and strong. Learn about how much exercise they require each day, their nutritional needs and grooming necessities. Furthermore, make sure that you take your pup to the vet regularly to stay on top of vaccinations and parasite prevention.

Have Some Patience

While pups are incredibly smart, it does take a little time for them to catch up with the training. Be patient and shower them with lots of affection, and before you know it, they will be a well-behaved companion. Remember, every puppy has its own pace, so with consistency, they will grow into the best friend you have been praying for.

Winding It Up,

Raising a puppy into a life-long companion is a thrilling journey, full of moments that you will cherish forever. By following our tips, you will turn the little goofball into a treasured member of your family in no time. So, why wait? Drop a line at Douglas Hall Kennels today if you are looking up dogs for sale in Lancashire. They are a family-owned business providing healthy, well-behaved and socialised puppies in a range of breeds.